Monday, October 30, 2006

How Did We Get Here?

Tomorrow will be one year since we found out that Oliver was on his way. We didn't know who he was going to be or when exactly he would arrive but we were overwhelmed by the news and excited just the same. I remember very clearly looking at the test in disbelief as a swung the door open to our bedroom. All I could get out was "Dude..." as I thrust the test out to Jeff. He sort of looked at it and then at me. He was instantly excited.
It was so hard not to tell anyone (ok so we told a couple people) until we knew how old this life inside me was. It was a two week wait for the ultrasound and it was a long two weeks. But that day in the clinic was worth it. There wasn't really much to turns out I was 6 weeks along...but the technician pointed out this small blinking light in the middle of the screen. That was the heart beating. That tiny twinkling light was going to change our lives in ways we could never imagine. This change came 31 weeks and 5 days later in the early morning of June 27th.
It was a bit of a shaky start to say the least. Oliver was so small when he was born...just 5lbs 7oz...he was fighting so hard to breathe and had really low blood sugar levels so he had to stay in the nursery until he was stable. I remember going into the nursery to see him for the first time since his birth. There he was, so small, in this incubator. It was a long 5 days of me and Jeff spending our days with Oliver at the hospital.
I was never really worried about him. I always had faith he would be fine but I just wanted to take him home with us so badly. Near the end of his stay it was harder and harder to come and go without taking him with us. But I remember the morning we got to the hospital and they told us that he could come home that day. Jeff and I both felt like "quick let's get out of here before they change their minds."
Now we've had him home with us for four months and the time has flown by. It's funny to think back to the tiny little stranger he was when we brought him home. Everything about him now is so familiar. My son!

Thing are Not Always What They Seem
Oliver John at one month old with his good friend the monkey. You can't
tell by this picture but this monkey is much smaller than he appears.

Two Months Old
Oliver's first Picture with Rosco

Lean On Me
Oliver at three months

Oliver is Four Months Old
He's starting to catch up with Rosco now
He isn't so tiny anymore

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

An Introduction of Sorts

I'm relatively new to this word of blogging although I have to admit I have a sneaking suspition that I'm a closet computer geek. I tried to keep a journal off and on throughout highschool but could never really stick with it. Blogging however appeals to my creative nature on a whole different level...See what I mean about geeky (but I really can't help it and it doesn't bother me) plan for this little space is to express my thoughts and ambitions and some day to day experiences I encounter along the way. I can't promise how frequently or consistently I'll post...those who know me know that I am filled with good intentions and high expectations but am not so great at the following through...but I hope to share at least a piece of me here. Until next time...

Monday, October 23, 2006

An Unspoken Conversation

A boy and his turtle

Halfway Down

Halfway down the stairs
Is a stair
Where I sit.
There isn't any
Other stair
Quite like
I'm not at the bottom,
I'm not at the top;
So this is the stair
I always

Halfway up the stairs
Isn't up,
And isn't down.
It isn't in the nursery,
It isn't in the town.
And all sorts of funny thoughts
Run round my head:
"It isn't really
It's somewhere else
